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Tough Decisions and The Outcome

When it comes to making those tough decisions in life we are faced with a lot of questions, is this the right decision? What if it doesn't end the way you want it to? What if nothing comes out of it? Is it a waste of time and money?

All of these questions ran through my head before and during my recent trip and I'm here to talk about it.

I recently booked a trip to New York to attend The Bureau New York Fashion Week. I wanted to start breaking out in to the industry more. I wanted to experience what it would be like if my life turned out exactly as I wanted and it was a normal thing for me to attend. It was a tough decision both mentally and financially. I had just moved in to my first rental with my friend and would have to take 4 weeks off of work to fully do this trip and recover from the time changes after. So, I got the courage, got a friend to come with me and put in my leave with work. I booked everything and then the days were flying by, before I knew it I was on a plane to New York.

Going to New York was one of the best decisions of my life. I got to experience the world over there and I fell in love. I loved the city, loved the people and fell in love with how the industry worked over there, and when I tell you it is so different to the industry in Perth.

It was a surreal experience getting to attend New York Fashion Week. I got to see so many designers' pieces and got to be in the same room as some amazing people. Having photographers everywhere felt insane but with this also came some lows. During the final day of the shows, it started to get a bit disorganized, designers were dropping out and leaving and the show wasn't running like it had the first few days. It started to make me doubt being there, but I tried to not let it get to me, I went to times square and took some amazing shots in a gorgeous dress, got compliments from strangers and had an amazing time. Doing something like this in Perth definitely wouldn't have been the same, people would have looked at me a lot differently. I had always felt like I didn't want to stay in Perth and this trip really made that clear. I didn't want to leave New York. It felt like where I belonged, and I loved how each day was an adventure.

Coming home I had some decisions to make, career wise and life wise. I knew now that I definitely wanted to get into my dream career, I experienced a taste of that life and wanted more. I wanted to have my dream job but with that came a lot of challenges. I need to figure out if the job I am currently in is the right decision for me, that surprisingly wasn't a hard decision at all, the job was not what I was wanting to do and the way I was being treated was not what I had signed up for so it brings me to now, where I am trying to get myself out of this company and back in to the field I loved working in. The job field I work in is very different to the career I want. My job and my career are 2 very separate things, my job is something I do to get through life, learn new skills and (like most people in the world) pay my bills, where as my career is the long-term goal, the dream job.

The outcome of my New York trip....

It left me with a lot of questions, a lot of decisions, a lot of things I need to reflect on. But it also made me have a lot of realisations, a lot of things I was unsure about before got answered.

Life will always be filled with tough decisions, but you'll never know if they are the right decision unless you try. Its scary not knowing the outcome of something but sometimes you need to take that leap and try.

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