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  1. the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.

Having confidence is tough. Over confident and you come off as up yourself and too good for others, lack of confidence and you come off as awkward and people can't rely on you for a job.

Confidence comes in many forms. You can have confidence in your looks, confidence performing in front of people, confidence when speaking. Confidence can change how you carry yourself in the world, it can change how you speak and interact with others.

Confidence is something I deeply struggled with, except for when I was acting. I always felt so comfortable acting in front of others, it was something I so deeply loved to do. I think it was because I was pretending to be someone else that I was able to do it so easily, the roles I were playing were confident, they weren't shy.

I had confidence with performing but lacked confidence with the way I looked. I struggled to have confidence which made me struggle when going out with friends, I wouldn't feel comfortable in the clothes I was in or being out and around people I thought were judging me.

I think bullying played a big part of my lack in confidence. I was always made fun of for my looks and size and I guess that's why I come across as shy to others, not wanting to branch out and meet new people.

Confidence plays a huge part in why some people choose to show their world to everyone else.

Trying to work on your confidence and gain more self confidence is hard and it takes time. There are some great ways to work on your confidence such as:

  1. Recognise what you're good at. We're all good at something.

  2. Be kind to yourself.

  3. Learn to be assertive.

  4. Start saying "no" - I know it's hard but you don't have to be a people pleaser

  5. Give yourself a challenge

I find it hard some days to feel confident and that's okay, life isn't always about being confident every day. Life is about the journey, the ups, the downs, the days of happiness and the days you don't feel as great.

I started my journey to try and become more confident, though I have had quite a few down days I am finding myself feeling better, I can go out by myself on a workout or to the shops. I'm wearing jeans and shorts again. I'm feeling better with myself, though some days are tough right now I am on a good path to feeling more confident with myself. This past month my confidence has been all over the place but that's okay, it's all part of the journey, some days are better than others and you are never alone.

How many times have you felt confident this past month?

  • less than 5 times

  • 6 to 10 times

  • The whole month

  • Didn't feel confident

Until next post

-T xx

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